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Dr. Avishai Gilkis

Researcher at the Astrophysics Department, Tel Aviv University


About Me

I am a stellar astrophysicist, working on the lives of massive stars, and their deaths as core-collapse supernovae. My research connects numerical simulations of stellar evolution with detailed observations of stars and supernovae.


Latest Paper

​Ups!... I did it again: unveiling the hidden companion in Upsilon Sagittarii, a unique binary system at a second mass transfer stage

First study to decipher the enigmatic hydrogen-deficient binary system Upsilon Sagittarii. We find that the bright component is a helium supergiant star, 100,000 years before becoming a white dwarf. The faint component - bright in the ultraviolet - is a rapidly rotating star, almost ten times more massive than the companion that outshines it in visible light.

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